Precinct Summary Report with Precinct Splits

To run:  REPORTING > Reports > Voter Reports > Precinct Registration Reports > Precinct Summary with Precinct Splits

or REPORTING > Reports > Precinct > Precinct Summary with Precinct Splits

or STREETS & PRECINCTS > Street & Precinct Reports > Precinct Summary with Precinct Splits

This report shows the totals of Registered and Inactive voters in each precinct split, subdivided by major party affiliation. The list is ordered by precinct and precinct-split number and shows polling places.

You have the option of generating the report against the data compiled by precinct and precinct-split numbers and showing polling places.

You have the option of generating the report against the data compiled by the most recent Month End Transfer run. To do this, run the month end version of the report: Voter Reports > Prior Month End Reports > Precinct Summary with Precinct Splits (Month End).